Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New TV console

President's Day
I went to work briefly and then went and got Minstrel Krampf and ended up at IKEA where we met my sis and her posse. (The Naz and The Captain).
Our IKEA game plan is to use them to visualize a kitchen that we will likely source somewhere else. Custom solid wood cabinetry is often the same price or even less than many IKEA options and it is SOLID wood, a better value choice for the house.  So we checked out the kitchens and got the kitchen planner guides and took some pics.
I also thought I wanted to start and expedit shelf wall in the future bedroom.
After some time in that department we decided to just grab another BILLY bookcase

It was packed! I have never parked on the top deck before, and the people, oy! Crying babies ruled the day.

We also found a small leather chair that Herr Krampf liked and we were going to get one, but by the time we got to the pickup area we just weren't feeling it, so we skipped that. We did end up with a completely unplanned purchase of a glass console that was never ever on the radar. It's now the TV stand. Photo later when it's full. Got a duvet cover and a bunch of CHEAP pillows for "camping decor" and some odds and ends.

We ate smart too.
Lox, salad, meatballs with vegs. and no jelly. Not quite the same, but not quite the carbs either!

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