We "put up" a salami near the end of the fall.
It was doomed from the start.
It's first day was snappy and cool and it went out in the shed/stairwell at Dave's apartment.
Then the weather promptly changed.
It got warm and humid. Muggy, warm, rainy, damp. All sworn enemies of the homemade salami.
So, we brought it inside and hung it in a box infront of a fan.
It started to dry out lopsided. One side shrunk really fast because it was getting the fan.
We kept turning it and flipping it and hoping for the best.
Then it was time to move.
We wrapped it in foil with the intention of finding it a nice cool dry spot int the new house.
It sat on a shelf at room temp, wrapped in foil for 2 weeks.
This morning I noticed it on the shelf and took off the foil.
Half of it was covered with mold, I won't include embarassing photos.
I cut it open for the heck of it and there was a nice moldy cavity on one side.
The fan idea probably made it dry out too fast. I also think the recipe didn't have enough fat.
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