Tomorrow is Dave's Birthday.
Yesterday, the gift that should have come addressed to him and wrapped was on the porch addressed to me.
He saw the return address name and knew what it was immediately.
Since I have a 'great-gifter' reputation to maintain and the airplane fiasco after Christmas wasn't enough, I got rockets.
Another awesome boy thing that geeky guys love!
They wouldn't be a bad thing if the weather wasn't unseasonably warm and Dave wasn't super impatient. There's a Monday holiday coming up, so I'm ready to hear about at least one rocket getting lost forever on President's Day.
These factors weren't considered when I ordered.
What happened to the RC plane merely made me certain that he'd love the rockets.
The package was a Groupon deal and had 3 rockets a launch pad and 8 'engines'.
It was a great deal and he was psyched to get it, even if there was no wrapping or waiting.
When I mathed it out the regular retail was about 4x what I paid, so that was a score.
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