Friday, April 4, 2008

Something I bet I am not alone on

Networking craziness!

Do you log on to the net and spend time that could be used seeking out weird entertainment on useless pseudo networking?
I do way too much.

I check my Yahoo mail, Hotmail and Google mail. The GMail tells me who is after me from
MySpace, Facebook, Tribe, RenSpace, Google Groups. The Yahoo keeps me up to date on who may be after me in Yahoo groups, on Pure Volume and Unsigned. Hotmail shouts me out if there is action on Friendster and LinkedIn. I have pretty much dropped the last two due to overlap.
Yes-the overlap is incredible. My youngest sister is on MySpace and Facebook. So are the other members of the band. Some of them are also on Tribe RenSpace, Renforums and NE Rennies. We also have a band only Google group.
Yes, there are people I meet outside of those circle, but with my friends sending me notes, comments, writing blogs and writing on my walls, how much time to I really have to meet anyone new? What time is left for actual networking? I have to check for new pictures of my niece on my sister's Facebook and MySpace...I do this pretty much every day. I accept new friends and reply to questions and comments for the band on MySpace, Tribe, RenSpace, unsigned and purevolume before I go to our Google group and relay pertinent messages that aren't for the general public there. I check my own MySpace and deal with the questions, comments, and of course, surveys there. It goes on and on.
Luckily, now I just hit my StumbleUpon link to get my surfing started

Yes, that's why I haven't blogged since January.
Yes that is why my web page still says under construction as my domain expiration approaches.
Yes, that is why I probably won't put the links in for all of those locations.

Yay! Technology of communication?